Many of Earl’s slides are in groups of one or a few. The topic with the most slides was those of the Packsaddle. If you don’t know (I didn’t), the Packsaddle was a valley through the Chestnut Ridge cut by the Conemaugh River. It is located between Robinson / Bolivar to the east and Blairsville on the west.

A post by Coke Oven Mike on his Old Industry of Southwestern Pennsylvania blog tells us that the Packsaddle Gap is very isolated and only accessible by walking the along the railroad or by boat. Compare some of his images to those of Earl. The website of the Pittsburgh to Harrisburg Main Line Canal Greenway tells us that it is possible to see the remains of Lock 5 and 2 miles of revetment wall.
Aside from that, I don’t know much about these. These were all taken between 1968 and 1972.

If you have walked into the Packsaddle and have info to share, leave us a comment.