Cascade Falls: A Scrapbook of Cascade Mills on the Keuka Outlet Trail, written by Leona Jensen

[webmasters note- this review was sent in by Ms. Remer, who asked us to feature it even though the book was published some years ago. The Keuka Outlet Trail is a spectacular trail built along the right of way of the old Crooked Lake Canal and the railroad that replaced it. If you have never visited it, you should make every effort to get there. We are happy to support the Friends of the Outlet Trail.]


Recently, Leona sent a copy of her book, Cascade Falls, to this writer. The book, put together as a fund raiser for the Keuka Outlet Trail in 2007, covers the history of the very many mills located on this short stretch of river in the western Finger Lakes Region of New York. Containing numerous photographs, news articles, and maps, the content is set out as a timeline of the area’s mill development from the earliest grinding by the Romans, through the migration into upstate New York, ending with the development of the Trail. Various milling and other scientific developments are noted as appropriate. The change from sawmills, through grist/flour mills, flax mills, paper mills, distilleries, and eventually into chemical mills producing rayon are interesting to follow. With the changes in mill types there also occurs the building of the Crooked Lake Canal from Keuka to Seneca Lakes and development of a railroad. There is also mention of a potential canal connecting south from Lake Seneca to the Cohocton River to get logs to Baltimore, while the canal to north Lake Seneca allowed logs to get to Albany and New York City via the Erie Canal.

While of particular interest to those in or with knowledge of the Finger Lakes Region, the change in mills over time is also valuable to the general public. The impact of canals to the economy of this area also highlights the importance of canal building during the 1820s. Should you wish a copy, a few still exist, contact Leona Jensen at 248 E. Leach Rd. Penn Yan, NY 14527. A check for $37 (which includes increased postage, payable to Friends of the Outlet Trail) should accompany your request. Write “donation” and book title on the memo line.

Deborah Remer